Principled Profit: The Good Business Blog

Musings on the world-wide movement for ethical business, frugal marketing, and how honesty, integrity, and quality combine with deep relationship building to create business success. By the originator of the Ethical Business Pledge campaign and award-winning author of Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First and five other books

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another Company *Almost* Gets It Right--And Then Blows It

On the same day I wrote about how a certain electronics company actually threw away the money I already spent with them, I got a mailing from Verizon--a glitzy thing, custom paper size, elegantly designed, a self-mailer with two folds.

This mailing was properly targeted: the right issue, the right offer, to the right audience. It discusses changes in the way secure URLs are handled on the Web, and I (as the owner of several e-commerce websites) am exactly the person who should be receiving this. There's an offer of a free White Paper, very good--and even a sweetener with some urgency: a free MP3 player for the first 100 respondents. That actually got it out of the low priority, do whenever pile and into the do right now, since I must be the last person in Massachusetts without an iPod.

So what's the problem? This company spent some substantial chunk of money to bring me to the site, actually overcame my substantial sales resistance--and what happened when I got there? I entered the URL--and what did I get?

Sure am glad it's not my money being squandered!

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