Excellent Article on Biz Ethics in China
This article from Maclean's covers many of the ethics issues involving business and China--not just the current controversy over Chinese censorship of the Internet (and the horrible fact that "Shi Tao, a Chinese journalist recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for divulging state secrets over the Net. Tao anonymously posted details of the government's plans to limit coverage of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre on a pro-democracy website, and Yahoo handed over his identity to Chinese authorities")--but also looks at a wide range of issues involving western companies in China, from the making of clothing to the environmental and human rights nightmare of the Three Gorges Dam.
The article also compliments Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), who "is sponsoring a draft bill that would require Web companies to establish a code of conduct for operating in repressive regimes, prohibiting them from facilitating unreasonable censorship or co-operating in the abuse of human rights."
And the article has a very illuminating comparison of how the international business community helped force the end of apartheid in South Africa, and what is not being done in China--or, for that matter, in Sudan.
">Go read it.
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